I wanted the drawer for my k-cups that I could put under my coffeemaker because the carousel took up too much room. I was going to buy one but couldn't find one in stock. So I thought I'd just make my own! I bought 2 mesh trays that were approximately 6" x 12". I used some scrap wood to build a base with just 2 sides (1x3's) and a top (scrap of MDF or plywood or maybe a 1x12) that would cover the trays. I then cut a board for the front that could be screwed to the mesh trays and there you have it. A little paint and a pull and I was done for about $10. I put felt on the bottom edges so I can slide the entire thing out to add water. The coffeemaker itself has rubber feet and was hard to move so it stayed out and took up even more room. It holds 36 cups just like the one I was going to buy for $25. If you want to build one just make sure you buy some type of tray first and then build a platform around them.